#Be.Together Song Campaign
Join our global singing campaign and inspire action for climate change!
During these strange and difficult times, we’re on a mission to unite
our voices and come together through music for a better world.
We are launching the #Be1Together Song Campaign: a global singing event where
YOU can participate and be empowered to take personal action for climate change.
Inspired by the "We Are The World" Campaign, we plan to create a global music video
compilation that conveys personal climate action initiatives for creating a sustainable future.
No matter where you are, you can take part - all you need is a phone or computer!
YOU can participate by learning a simple series of hand signals to a song.
After you film yourself singing, signing, or dancing to the song, we'll combine
your submitted videos into a creative musical compilation.
What song are we singing and signing?
We’re singing UNICEF's 50th anniversary anthem called “Together”.
This song speaks to how children and disadvantaged communities are facing the greatest challenges
due to climate change even though they are not the main contributors to the problem.
How you can participate!
1. Watch the instructional video and learn the lyrics.
2. Grab your phone and film yourself singing, signing, or dancing to "Together"
3. Submit your video for the chance to be in our global music video compilation.
4. Share your video on social media using #Be1Together and challenge your friends
to take action for climate change.
The video compilation of "Together" will be published on our social media channels.
Be the first to know by following us on Facebook or Instagram.
Together, we can make an impact.
Let's do this!